What Makes Jane Curtin Lucky?
Name Numerology For 3 & 6

by jess
(new york)

Jane Curtin is very famous. Note that she has a name numerology of 3 & 6. She was born on 6th and has a name No. 3. Why she doesn't have problems?

So is Greg Rusedski born on 6th with a Name Number 3. Apart from this website everywhere it says 3, 6, and 9 are part of a series and compliment each other.

Even a number six has Two 3s in it. 3 is a number of wealth and six is a number of beauty. Rest is up to everyone else to decide if they agree or not, just an opinion.

Reply by Kannan M

In name numerology, 3 & 6 combination is like a Dynamite without the RDX or Gun Powder. The Life Number or the Name plays the role of RDX. Charging of the Dynamite is done by the practice of the perfect name.

With a correct combination of these three with 3 & 6, a person can be outstandingly successful. If you read my site well, you will know that this is the theme of this site. Even a person with 8 & 8 can be made lucky with a perfect name.

For that you must design his or her name not only as per name numerology, but verify if it is really lucky by horary astrology and bioenergetics measurements with the Lecher Antenna.

We are correct when we say that 3 & 6 is self destructive with out a perfect name. It ruins the owner of 3 & 6 if he or she does not correct his or her name as per the above rules.

You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.

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Name Numerology For 3 & 6

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Oct 02, 2012
it is not logical NEW
by: Anonymous

Mr Kannan wrote
"If you are ruled by 5 and 5, you can marry those ruled by 1, 3, 6, and 9. You will have good numerology compatibility. But you have to note that persons ruled by 5 as day number, have reduced chances for child birth."

Mr Kannan how is possible that person ruled by 3 and 6 is not compatible with person ruled by 5 and 5 when person ruled by 5 and 5 is compatible with person ruled by 3 and 6 ?

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