by TM Rao
I have a few doubts in name numerology about the qualities of planets.
I have an observation on your system. Certain principles of your system seems to be different from Astrology.
For example, as per Vedic astrology, Mercury (number 5) is an enemy to Mars (number 9) but as per your system both 5 and 9 are friendly numbers?
Similarly Sun & Moon are enemies to Rahu & Ketu but as per your system, 1 and 4 are friendly numbers and 2 & 7 are also friendly numbers.
If numerology is developed based on astrology, why these differences?
Reply by Kannan M of Lucky Name Numerology
The Vedic Astrology practiced by the Ancients is far different from what is practiced to day by application. The ancients were Rishis who had intuition and the power to sense the vibrations. The had lightning fast minds to do astrology calculation in their brains.
Today Vedic Astrology is practiced only with the help of available texts. These texts are highly inadequate to explain the birth of twins.
The traditional astrology fails in the case of twin births. The two are born with a few minutes difference. The horoscopes are almost the same. If you predict for them, your prediction is the same for each of these twins.
But in many cases, the twins experience diametrically opposite results. What if one is a boy and the other is a girl? The number of brothers and sisters differ for both. The nature and timing of their events also differ.
Even when both are boys, traditional astrology fails. One lives long. The other dies early. One gets married. The other remains unmarried. One falls sick. The other is healthy. One stays pious. The other is always wicked.
You can not explain these differences by traditional system, if you adopt it blindly. In ancient times, astrologers did not have calculators. They made rapid calculations in their minds, and gave uncanny, accurate predictions.
That is why it is not wise to accept Vedic Astrology Texts as it is. In my name numerology calculations I use advanced horary astrology, and also birth date astrology. I derive numerology names based on these and also I measure the vibrations in the name which others do not know.
Therefore unless a name passes all the three criteria of astrology, numerology, and bioenergetics, I do not approve a name. That is why my names are extremely lucky and more useful to the clients.
And about your question on Mercury and Mars. It is a wrong concept to hold that Mercury is inimical to Mars. Mercury gives the results based on where he is posited in the Zodiac. If he is in a favorable star zone and favorable sub zone he is a benefic.
If he is posited in an unfavorable star zone and evil planets sub zone, he becomes evil and I do not give it any importance for designing names. I also warn my clients that Mercury is evil.
You have to know that Mars too behaves only in this manner. Remember and Note this point well. No planet is a benefic or a malefic by itself. Any Planet becomes good or bad by its Star zone and its Sub zone. Its qualities are modified by aspects from favorable planets.
I hope I have cleared all your doubts.
You can prevent bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, & bioenergetics.
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