by Anil
As per name numerology my Date of Birth is 5 April 1985 and my name is Bandaru Anilraju. Are there any wrong sounds in my name? I am interested in Political side, Govt Job. Which one is suitable?
Reply by Kannan M
Yes. Your name has negative sound vibrations as per name numerology and the phonology is defective. It makes your name unlucky.
I can suggest your job only when you correct your name from me. The career will be based on the new correct name. Therefore kindly apply for name correction.
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by Nithya
My name numerology number is 4 & 1 but my name number is 8. I don't really believe in all this but what you have posted is almost true. Many told me to change my name. I have not done till now.
Feeling unlucky though I have everything. Have to struggle throughout to get something that I require. Studies are half way, though I love to study and excel.
I have great knowledge in spiritual. Not doing too well in life. Just living!!!
Reply by Kannan M
You can change the scenario and start being lucky by applying for name correction as per my scientific system of name numerology.
You can do it by visiting the contact us page in this web site.
by Ajay Kumar
My Son's name numerology D.O.B is 4Th November 2011, Time 6.55, Place Hyderabad his life path number is 1. As per Astrology his name should contain "Ga" latter.
My Surname is Kommagalla and we are using only K.
I want to put my son's name as "K.SIDDHARTHA GAUTAM" Can you please suggest me is it good for him. Thanks in Advance.
Reply by Kannan M
Siddhartha Gautam is an evil name as per name numerology. He will suffer throughout his life if you give him this name. First of all you should not name your son.
Will you perform a surgery on him yourself? Even if you are a doctor you will not and should not. You have to go to another doctor for that.
Like that to get a proper name for your son apply through my website and solve your problem.
by romman
(delhi india)
I was born as per name numerology on Oct 4 1957 at 1-30 pm. Since my childhood I faced allegations, abusing, and got never what I wanted. I was a brilliant student, very good singer, actor, dancer very beautiful very artistic.
I wanted to be an artist but my parents wanted me to be a teacher. It frustrated me. I married a boy whom my family never gave a recognition. My son was born on 20 Nov but my husband snatched away him when he was only 2 months old.
I married again with a man of my family's choice this time I gave birth to a baby girl on 13 Sept.
My marriage broke after about 2 years. My husband took away my daughter from me. I married again this time to a person of my choice. I am very happy with him. But I don't have a child.
I want to adopt a child but its not happening what to do. Then I read your pages on name numerology and changed my name to no 5. I am planning to do a catering business and business name according to your numerology comes at no. 5.
Finally with your blessings I will get a better life in terms of money. If you want to suggest me something on my name numerology I would feel lucky.
My son was born on 20 Nov,that half of no 4, my daughter was born on 13 Nov again no 4.
I think because of no 2, and 4, they are not with me kindly tell me whether my husband's health will be okay and when we will adopt a child.
Reply by Kannan M
I checked your name Romman. Though you have a good name number, your name fails in 4 tests. Therefore it is unlucky. You have to correct it if you want to be happy and prosperous in your life.
by sadiq
(hyderabad )
I have been referred to your website on name numerology by a friend, please tell me whether my name is correct as per numerology or not. My date of birth is 13 September 1984. My name is Sadiq Ali.
I had many problems in my life since I was young and always used to be depressed. I would like to know whether it is because of my name or is there any other reason behind it.
I have my doubts on numerology as you see many famous people who are born in this world also have bad numbers in their date or birth but how come they succeed in life.
My doubt is that it cannot be that every successful person in this world has a lucky name.
Reply by Kannan M
You are born with the numerology numbers 4 & 8. These are inimical numbers and unless you have a perfect name as per name numerology, you can not enjoy any luck in this your life.
As 4 opposes 8 and 8 opposes 4, you are like a child whose father and mother always fight with each other and neglect that child.
Your name numerology name Sadiq is defective in phonology. Its written vibes and spoken vibes differ in their sound forms.
Sadiq measures 10. Ali measures 5. I do not know how you write Md. If it is Md it measures 8 and it is wrong to put 8 before your name. It causes a series of bad luck in your life.
I also measured your name for its vibrations and birthdate numerology compatibility. Both are defective for your present name. Therefore your name is unlucky and you have to correct your name.
You can prevent bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, & bioenergetics.
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