Love for name numerology makes me admire you for this most customer friendly and informative web site. In no other numerology site I get so much useful information. As per name numerology, I was born on 6 Jan 1981.
My name is LIM YEN LENG. My life is full of uncertainties. I work very hard for the past 14 years. But still I end with nothing but lots of debts. Furthermore, I never get a good relationship.
When I met a new boy friend, I thought he would be the last one for me, but things had changed dramatically. I married to a so called "rich" guy, but still I have ended up with divorce, violence, insults and injury...Please advise me what can I do?
Comment By Kannan M of Lucky Name Numerology
Your name LIM YEN LENG is made of 8 + 11 + 16 = 35. Your name contains too many evil vibrations. You are the architect of your own downfalls. Your name is the cause. It works in your behind as per name numerology and gives you success, failure, joys or sorrows.
In your name, there are these numbers 8, 2, and 7 plus the overall name number in 8. The two eights give you sorrows, grief, miseries, and misfortunes. Except gory accidents you are enjoying all the evil effects of Saturn as per rules of name numerology.
The 7 in your name is against love and it throws water on your fire of love. It spoils your marriage and love affairs. Your only remedy is to go for name correction as per astrology, numerology, and bioenergetics. You have to apply through the contact page and follow my instructions on payment for name correction.