by Anonymous
As per name numerology my name parts measure as follows. 20 + 24 + 26 = 70. What are its implied numerology meanings? I have an unsuccessful married life. Kindly clarify.
Reply by Kannan M
I have kept your name anonymous to protect your secrecy. The numerology meanings of your name parts are as follows.
You have your overall name in 70 which prevents marital happiness and success in love affairs.
Your first name has the negative vibration in TA. The second name has the evil vibration in WAN.
Your 1st name measures in 20 which is Moon which will not give you steady progress or continued happiness.
Your life will be filled with disappointments. You may get cheated by your own near and dear. Others too will cheat you. You will not have the courage to fight for justice. You would rather lose.
A three word name is inferior to a two word name.
Your long three worded name is difficult to practice and implement in addressing you or in your signature.
When your name is in 70 you cannot have numerology love compatibility. Therefore your name is unlucky. If you want to remove these defects and want happiness, you have to correct it.
You can do it by visiting the contact us page in this web site. Fill in your particulars and send it to me. I shall take care of the rest.
The Big Difference
Other numerologists give names by blind belief by out dated bookish numerology. It is quite useless for you.
But we design our names by scientific methods by numerology, astrology, Bio Energetics, tests with Lecher Antenna and energy measurement readings on the energy meter Acmograph.
Hence you get sure luck and prosperity when you come to us.