Name Numerology Advice
For A Preschool

by bharti

I always undergo one or the other problems. But I keep trying for success. I want to know a name to get success in preschools.

Advice By Numerology Expert Kannan M from Lucky Name Numerology: Your name must be good if you want to shine in any activity. As such your name is not good. It has very bad phonology.

Bhar and arti are highly negative. Bhar means ban, prevent, and avoid. When you keep a hidden negative meaning in your name how can you get success in preschool or any other activity.

Arti is pronounced as like in party. With the same T sound. This is not correct as per phonology. A name should be correct as per your day number, life number, bioenergetics vibes, and the written vibes.

It must be ratified by phonology and astrology. The name’s aptness can only be confirmed by horary astrology calculations and subsequently verified by Lecher Antenna measurements.

For this you have to apply through the contact form providing all the details asked for. You have to act on the expert advice you get.

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For A Preschool

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Apr 18, 2014
good power of name NEW
by: dhanarajuAnonymous

sir im very problems sir loss of money so many times please correc my name sir

Jan 03, 2011
Cost of Business Name
by: Ayesha California

I am an ardent fan of name numerology. Your fee for a small business is 27500 INR plus personal name correction 7500 INR which is 35000 Rs. In US dollars it comes to 771 USD. Is it not a bit costly for a business name?

Reply by Kannan M

Dear Ayesha,

On the face of it your reply make make sense but if you think about it, your view point can not stand scrutiny. A lucky business names designed as per my system of name numerology is more precious than the most expensive jewelery you can ever own. You have to try it to believe it.

A business means so much of investments.  Advances, Collaterals, interest on borrowings, salaries, inventories, overheads, Govt formalities, bribes, periodic gifts to develop good will, commissions on earnings and so on.

When you invest so much money with a bad Company name, that company is bound to perish.  What fee you pay me, let us say 27500 +7500= 3500 is peanuts when you compare it for the overall investments.  And with out this essential name numerology service, you can not expect profits from the business.

To compromise on the quality of your business name is to compromise on your good luck and roaring profits. 

With Best Wishes, Kannan M

Dec 05, 2009
More on Phonology in Names.
by: Kannan M

Ti is the root of tie or bind. Bar means many times. Bar also means a prevention or preventing stroke. Bharti means get repeatedly tied up. This is called bad phonology in names.

Dec 05, 2009
Bad Phonology
by: Roja

Good example of bad phonology. Bar also means repeat again. Bar Bar means many times. This means you will be repeating the same mistakes again and again.

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