by renzo
According to name numerology, my day number is 8, life number is 4, and name number is 2. I am Renzo from Vancouver. Do I have a good combination?
Reply by Kannan M
According to Chaldean Numerology, 8, 4, and 2 are not compatible. We have this concept in Vedic Numerology as well. In my system of name numerology, I measure the individual and total vibes of the name components and then make my judgments.
You must not have your name number in 2. This is unlucky. It makes a bad combination and it is better for you to correct your name to a better number than your present 2.
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by Ajay singh
(Sahibabad, ghaziabad)
According to name numerology, I have 5 and 4. I was born on 23rd Dec 1976, at 1.40 AM in Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh, and currently I am facing problem with all aspect of life i.e. career, social life , marriage life, financial crises etc.
I want to know if my name suits me or not? Shall I look for another job or start my own business? What should be my name and my company name to grow well in the field in which i want to start my own company? How can I set my life in the best harmony?
Reply by Kannan M
According to name numerology, the name Singh is in Saturn. It is not compensated in your name Ajay. Saturn causes delays, disappointments, defeats, dejections, and downfalls. You name is highly unlucky. It does not suit you. You must correct your name.
If you have the finance, go for business. For business success, you need to come to me for a lucky business name. If the business name is not good, you will lose all your money.
For important events in your life you keep consulting me for the correct guidance, and your life will become harmonious.
As a first step do correct your name and steer your life in the path of success.
Sep 15, 2011
company name
by: nisha
My name numerology is of 1 and 9. In my company I would like to open with the name RICHSREE TRADING which is total 46=1. Is the company and my numerology number lucky?
Reply By Kannan M
Richsree is a proven failure name. It foretells losses, bankruptcy, theft, fire accidents, and court cases. Therefore correct your company name. Unless you give your birth numbers I cannot comment on your name.
by dr manissha
I need some advice on my name numerology. My name is Manissha and my birth date is 2/1/1982. I like your site. It helps a lot. I have a lot of mood swings. Please tell me something more.
Reply by Kannan M
You have 2 & 5 in name numerology. But there is difference in your written name and spoken name. This is a major defect. Better correct your name or you will lose the benefit of your numbers 2 & 5.
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by arunkumar
I want to know if I will get benefits if I correct my name as per name numerology. My name is Arun Kumar. Please tell me the full details about my name my date of birth is 20 july 1987.
Reply by Kannan M Lucky Name Numerology
The run in Arun is negative. Ku and Mar in Kumar are both negative. Arun is 14 and Kumar is 15. Both give 29 which is one of the worst numerology numbers. Therefore your name needs correction.
According to name numerology, I have day number 2, life number 7 and name number 7. How this affects my life? My husband has 4, 7, 3. How this affects our relationship? Does changing my name to 1 help my relationship with hubby?
Also, say I have changed my name, do I have to alter my birth name in all my birth certificates, etc to see the effects?
Reply by Kannan M
No. You have to correct your name only in all future records. Do not worry about your past records. If you correct your names you will have better, health, marital life, and good business success.
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According to name numerology, my day number is 2, life number 7, name number is 7. Please interpret. I intend to change name number to 1. Will this improve life?
Reply by Kannan M
Any form of 7 is not a good for your name. No. 1 need not be your best choice for your name numerology. A name in 5 or 6 will suit you better. You have to correct your name with professional help and you must not correct your name all by yourself.
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by srinivas reddy
Is there any solution in name numerology for my following complaints? Health problems from childhood, unlimited surgeries, income fails. still under medical/health problems.
Reply by Kannan M
You will have a lot of improvements in your health if you correct your name as per my system. Name correction also cures many incurable diseases.
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