Name Numerology Advice

by Judee

As per name numerology my name is in number 6, Judee Maria. I was born on June 16, 1970. My day no. is 7 and 3 is my life path no.

How it will affect me. How can I improve my life. It is very hard for me. Please advice me about what to follow to know my lucky days for future success.

Reply by Kannan M of Lucky Name Numerology

Your name is in 6 only if you use the Pythagorean Numerology which is not as accurate as Hindu Based Chaldean Numerology.

As per Pythagorean Numerology, your name Judee Maria measures by the following numbers 13455 41991 = 18+24=42 = 6.

As per Hindu-Chaldean Numerology, which is the most accurate system your name measure in 3. The word Maria contains a negativity which afflicts you.

It just does not agree with your astrology and bioenergetics.

Hence you must correct your name as per name numerology.

The name’s aptness can only be confirmed by horary astrology calculations and verified by Lecher Antenna measurements.

If you want, I shall correct your name scientifically as per numerology. I will also confirm its accuracy by astrology.

I also verify its luck by scientific measurements with the Lecher Antenna. For this you must apply through the contact form with all your details. You have to act on the expert advice you get.

Only my method checks your name numerology compatibility by numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics, using Lecher Antenna and Acmograph. Therefore you are advised to correct your name.

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Oct 06, 2010
7 & 1-many names, lost jobs, more debts, confusion
by: s vijayan


I have spent a lot for name numerology. Got many names. Practiced many names.

No clarity. Lost job. Married. But struggling a lot. Pls kindly help me. My original name: S.Vijayan, DOB:16.04.1979 at 7.15 am in Tiruttani. Pls suggest me. Pls save me and my family. I beg you sir.

Names which I was given:





Reply by Kannan M

All the above names including your original name VIJAYAN in 16 are horrible names which are most unlucky. Therefore you to approach the correct person who knows numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics, and have it done.

You can overcome bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Do this by visiting the contact page in this web site.

Apr 22, 2010
by: Srinivash

As per name numerology my name is in number 9, Srinivash. I was born on May 7, 1992. My day no. is 7 and 6 is my life path no.

How it will affect me. How can I improve my life. It is very hard for me. Please advice me about what to follow to know my lucky days for future success.

Advice By Kannan M

You have to apply through the contact form in this web site to have your name corrected. Kindly click on this link
to access this page.

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