by Gagan Suneja
As per My date of birth as per name numerology is 20-01-1980. My numerology name is Gagan Suneja. Is my name correct? Does it have birthdate numerology compatibility?
Reply by Kannan M
Gagan is in 13 which is an unlucky name number. Suneja is in 21. Total is 34 which is again another unlucky name number according to the principles of basic name numerology.
Hence your name is unlucky.
As you are born on 20-01-1980, you have 2 as your day number and 3 in your life path numerology.
In short you have 2 & 3 as your numerology numbers.
If you ask me if your name has birthdate numerology compatibility, I have to admit that it is not there in your name. Because your first name in 4 is inimical to your day number 2.
Therefore if you want to enjoy a hassle free lucky and prosperous life, you have to correct your name.
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by akshay
Following are my name numerology details for your kind analysis. My Date of birth is 02/01/1991. My name is AKSHAY MITTAL. What career should I choose and will I be successful in my future and life?
Reply by Kannan M
AKSHAY MITTAL comes in 13 + 17 = 30. Your second name is in 17 or 8 which is Saturn as per name numerology. Saturn gives you only miseries, misfortunes, and sorrows.
You have good numerology numbers 2 & 5. But an unlucky name!
Don't you know that 13 is inimical to 17 which is your second name? When such is the case you will take all wrong decisions in your life and get cheated and end up in loss or may be inside a prison.
Therefore save yourself in time and correct your name.
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by Biswajit Chakraborty
(Kolkata, West Bengal, India)
I seek your help in Name Numerology. I am struggling in my life. I would like to come out of my problems. I want to really come up in life. What should I do. Please help me with your advice.
Name: Biswajit Chakraborty
Birth Rashi: Tauras
Birth Lagna: Virgo
Birth Nakshatra: Rohini, Pada 4.
Birth Date: 20th September 1981
Time of Birth : 5:40 am, Kolkata.
Since last 5 years I am working but can not make myself stable yet. Willing to make my career abroad. So my earnest request to you is to kindly help me out to fulfill my dreams with a good name.
Reply by Kannan M
You are born with 2 & 3 name numerology. It is a very weak combination. Unless it is supported by a forceful name with good vibes, you can not taste success.
Therefore, I recommend that you correct your name as per my scientific system of numerology.
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by Nivedita
Kindly analyze my name numerology for my name is Nivedita (27) Goyal(15. I was born on 2/3/ 1983.
I am not able to do good professionally and I keep changing my mind about what to do in life.
I want to get my name change done according to numerology.
Reply by Kannan M
I congratulate you on your decision to correct your name as per my scientific system of name numerology. This alone measures the vibes in the names to judge if the names are lucky or unlucky.
You can prevent bad luck and achieve good luck only if you correct your name as per name numerology, astrology, & bioenergetics.
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