I know that you are an expert in name numerology. My current situation and my mind status are totally upset. Please help me. I need a positive change in my life.
My name is KUBENDHAR SANKARAN NATHAN VALAIYAR. My date of birth is 25-05-1973. I was born in Srinagar, J&K. at 16-38 hrs.
In my life I have seen only failure and loss. I am fed up with life. I am only 36 years. Though I work hard I do not get promotions. Though I try I do not get a better job.
I am not able to save any money. My bank balance is negligible. I have no peace of mind. I am not married. I do not get any alliance. Even if it comes, I do not have favorable response.
I do not enjoy any respect in my family. No respect in my office too. Even my friends and neighbors do not respect me. On the other hand people misuse me and take undue advantage.
Nothing works according to my plan. I even tried to run far away and become a Panduranga. But some thing prevented me and I am not a success there also. I am totally lost. But I will not give up.
I want to have a drastic positive change in my remaining life. ( I do not know for how many years.) I want a big change in my life pattern for which I am ready to take any chance.
I will implement the changes you may recommend to me for my development. Please help me.
Advice By Numerology Expert Kannan M from Lucky Name Numerology: You have mentioned your name as Kubendhar SV. It comes in 32 + 9 = 41. Apparently it is one of the best numerology numbers.
In spite of having this number you face bad luck. That means, you name is not lucky for you. 32 may be lucky but not your spelling which makes 32. This name is not good as per astrology also.
When I checked your full name for bioenergetics with my Lecher Antenna, it is found to affect your energies. Therefore, it is not good.
Therefore, you have to go for name correction. For this you have to apply through the contact form in this web site, providing all details asked for. You have to act on the expert advice you get.
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