Numerology For Day No. 7
With Life Number 5

Kannan M

Incorrect Names Fail

Numerology of 7 and 5 gives you success if your name is right. A wrong name causes failures.

Even if you succeed in business, you do not get peace. You meet with strange difficulties and obstacles.

A wrong name leaves you with few friends. It leads you to very troublesome situations.

Your anger makes people afraid. You can not see eye to eye with others.

What is 7 & 5?

As per this science of numbers if your Day number is 7 and if your Life No. is 5, you are born under 7 and 5. If you have your Name No. in 7 or 5, and either day or life no. is 5 or 7, then also you are ruled by 7 and 5.

Lakshmi Jeya Swaruoopa

Correct Name Ensures
Resounding Success

Name Numerology for 7 and 5 gives you success if you correct your name in the best vibration of Mercury or Venus. In other words your name must be in 5 or 6. You must follow every day your lucky tips with out fail.

You must always carry a small object of green yellow or grey. You can wear Cat’s Eye, or Diamond as your Lucky gem. You must use your lucky days in 2, 5 and 6. You must avoid your unlucky days with Number 9.

Identify Your Most Lucky Name By bioenergetics.

Lucky Baby Names

When your kids have 7 & 5 you can make them great businessmen, advocates, or doctors by giving correct names from a list of chosen baby names. Your numerologist will do this for you if you request him.

Lucky Business Names

Many business ventures close down or face loss if they do not have the correct business names. No. 7 can always make you hate wealth. Therefore, you must choose a correct business name to ensure success.

If you want any of your children to continue your business, you must ensure numerology compatibility with your son’s or daughter’s name, before, transferring business. If not, your heir will not run it with success.

Numerology Compatibility
Lucky Tips For 7 & 5


Lucky Tips

Ruling Planets

Ketu and Mercury

Lucky Planets

Moon, Mercury, Venus

Lucky Numbers

2, 5, and 6

Lucky Days

2, 11, 20, 5, 14, 23,
6, 15, 24

Unlucky Days

9, 18, 27, 8, 17, 26

Name Numbers
For Lucky Names

14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 59, 77
15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60, 69

Lucky Business

Speaking, Writing
Contracts, Medicine,
Vehicles, Metal

Name Numbers
For Lucky Business

14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 59, 77
15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60, 69

Lucky Colors

Green, Yellow, Grey,
Light Blue

Unlucky Colors


Lucky Gems

Cat’s Eye, Moon Stone
Tiger’s Eye, Diamond


Mental Sickness, Gas,
Eye, Ear, Throat Diseases
Strokes, High BP,
Diabetes, Back Pain


Fitting Name Change

Day No. 7 With Other Life
Numbers 1 To 9

Life No. 1   Life No. 2    Life No. 3   Life No. 4
Life No. 5   Life No. 6    Life No. 7    Life No. 8   Life No. 9

Take Expert Help

If you are not happy with your name, change it at once. Use our expert help, through the contact page. We give you, your most Lucky Baby Names, Lucky Business Names and Lucky Personal Names!

We correct your signature, prescribe Lucky Numbers, Lucky Days, Lucky Gems, and Colors, as per name numerology. We confirm their accuracy by horary astrology, and by the Lecher Antenna to Ensure your Success!

Basic Concepts

Name-Numerology For No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Why Choose Lucky Baby Names
Lucky Tips For Business Success!
Love Life Mate Compatibility!
Know The Founder and his Disciple
Importance of Lucky Names
Contact us For Lucky Names!

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