by anonymous
I thank you for answering my questions on Numerology, although I never found these answers in your web pages. Or maybe not in the exact words. I still have some more questions. Hope you will answer.
My first one is about the effect of the worldliness of the day number or life number on the subject or the querist. On your charts you have given certain lucky and unlucky dates and name numbers.
My question is this. Does the worldliness of the life number count? And if it does, in what way? Because some lucky numbers oppose the day number and certain others oppose the life number.
My other question is about the numerology of the names in languages other than English. They have different pronunciation for their alphabets, letters, and words from country to country.
From what I understand these are supposed to affect the the name.
How did languages evolve? How did they change? What about the charts of other languages? Don't they have different values other than in English? Do they not have more or less number of alphabets?
Thank you again for answering my questions and for sharing this with us. To read reply by Kannan M, Numerologist, and the Author Click Here!
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