Numerology for No. 3
Lucky And Unlucky Days
For Day Number 3

Kannan M

Lucky Days For No. 3

Suppose by numerology you are born on a date with Date No. 3 or Total No. 3, you are ruled by No. 3.

If you want to attain success in your life you should know your lucky numbers & know how to use them.

If you have 3 your lucky numbers are 3, 1, and 9. you will have more lucky numbers based on your name.

Lakshmi Jeya Swaruoopa

Lucky Dates

Based on this 3, 12, 21, 30, 1, 10, 19, and 9, 18, 27 will be your lucky numbers. Your lucky dates for 3 and 1 will be 3rd, 12fth, 21st, 30th, 1st, 10th, & 19th. When you correct your name you will get the real picture.

Your other lucky days are the 9th, 18th, and 27th, dates in any month. Actions on these days will bring success. You can start a business, lay a foundation, build houses, change places, and purchase jewelry.

Benefits On Lucky Days

You can also purchase vehicles, properties, travel for work, negotiate deals, and hold peace talks. These dates will be profitable. You earn more than you expect. You get unexpected benefits.

You have many happy moments. Any date with a compound number of 3 or 9 will also give you lasting benefits. These will continue for many years. You have to cultivate these dates, by doing such actions on these days.

Tonify Lucky Numbers

It strengthens the power of 8 and 9 to confer more and more benefits. Train these numbers to work, by doing actions which will give continued benefits. This makes 3 and 9. be luckier and luckiest.

Numerology For No. 3
Unlucky Days

Numerology rules that any day which opposes 3 is unlucky. Hence, your unlucky number is 6. Therefore, days 6th, 15th, and 24th, in all the months, will be unlucky for you.

Perform any action on these days, and you fail. You waste time, money, and efforts. You get bad names. You lose your reputation. Any advantage does not last long.

When you do actions on these dates, you are adding power to their unlucky nature. Therefore, you have to avoid doing any important activity on days ruled by 8, 9 and 2, whether by Day or Compound No.

Purchasing Troubles

As per Numerology, by such actions on these dates, you will be purchasing trouble. You will only suffer. You antagonize your relatives and friends. What ever success you get will dissolve in failure.

Actions For Bad Days

As per Numerology, spend unlucky days in routines. Do not venture any thing new. You can do meditations and prayers. Your unlucky days will lose their powers. Watch the compound number. Avoid it if unlucky.

See Lucky and Unlucky Days For All Numbers

Take Scientific Help

If you are not lucky with your present name, better change it. Use our expert help, through the contact page. We design and give you the most Lucky Baby Names, Lucky Business Names, and Lucky Personal Names.

We correct your signature, prescribe your Lucky Numbers, Lucky Days, and Lucky Gems as per scientific concepts. We confirm their accuracy by horary astrology, and with the Lecher Antenna, to Ensure your Success!

Basic Concepts

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