Vedic Numerology Meanings       For Name Number 60

Kannan M

Name Number 60

As per vedic numerology, number 60 will not suit you if you are born with Day No. 3 or Life Number 3.

It's because there's no numerology compatibility between 3 & 6. And No. 3 is inimical to No. 6 or No. 60.

No. 3 stands for Guru of the Gods but Venus in No. 6 is the Guru of the demons & is enemy to Jupiter.
Lakshmi Jeya Swaruoopa

Numerology Meanings

Numerology meanings for name number 60 objects for you to have any relationship with No. 3. For example, if your life number or life path number is 3, your Name No. 60 prevents you from getting success.

Number 60 In Business

It applies to your business as well. Vedic numerology warns you not to engage any partner who is ruled by No. 3. That means a partner with 3 as his Day No. or Life No. will do you more harm than any good.

Marriage & Riches

This is confirmed by many free numerology predictions. These warn you not to marry a girl who has 3 as her Day No. or Life No. Number 60 makes you rich. But 3 prevents you from enjoying those riches.

Success With 60

As per Name Numerology, if you have numerology numbers like 1, 4, 5, or 9 you will be successful with name number 60. As 6 is for Venus, it gives you enormous wealth and the desire to enjoy its pleasures.

Zero Influences 60

Name numerology for Zero has its effects on name number 60. It tones down the aggressiveness of Venus. It gives you a calm, contented, & satisfying personality. You win anything with out injuring others.

Vedic Numerology also hails the qualities of zero in 60. The divinity in zero gives you deep knowledge & intuition. You understand subjects within a lightning flash. You're skilful in your speech & expressions.

Vedic Numerology And
Business With 60

Numerology meanings for name number 60 assures that if your business name is in 60, you'll get success. The rule is that you must avoid 3 and 8 in all your dealings. You must avoid brand names with Name No. 3.

Vedic Numerology To Lucky Name Numerology

Dealing With 3 Persons

What if you're already married to a person born with 3? Vedic System has a clever solution to correct the situation. You've to correct his or her name if she or he has a Name No. in 1, 4, 5, or 9 series.

As per Numerology meanings for No. 60, you better don not marry a person with 6. You enjoy much better the company of a person born in 1, 4, 5, or 9. Remember that the like poles repel each other.

When Afflicted

As per Vedic Texts, 60 gives you all riches and a good family if not afflicted by numerology numbers like 3, 7, or 8. 3 opposes enjoyments, 7 makes it unfit for marriage, and 8 threatens with misfortunes.

When afflicted you meet with obstacles in life even though you have your name in 60. Numerology meanings for 60 confirm this. You are forced to lead an ordinary existence. You're prevented from enjoying your riches.

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