Namealogy or Numerology         For Name Number 52

Kannan M

Name Number 52

The namealogy for 52 gives you mixed results of 5, 2, and 7. You may lead an above average life.

5 gives you initiative. Moon supports it with the power of imagination. So you sulk too often.

Moon delays and applies breaks to your progress. She tempts you with drinks. You may postpone events.

Lakshmi Jeya Swaruoopa

Namealogy of 52
Role of No.7

As per namealogy 52 adds up to 7. Therefore if your name is in Name No. 52, you are ruled by 7 or Ketu. Your overall life is decided by Him. He tends to delay your financial progress. He makes you fail in your love affairs.

Unhappy Marriage

Not only that. No. 7 delays your marriage. Even if you get married, Ketu in 7 sees that you develop misunderstandings with your wife. You get bored with sex soon. You do not know how to apply varieties in the game of love.

Ketu causes disappointment and misunderstandings in married life. He may even cause separation or divorce. That is the Numerology of 52. It makes you live far away from your residence.

You are forced to go to a foreign land or forced to go to a faroff place and live there. You are forced like that. It so happens you cannot take your wife along.

Easily Bored

Your relations are not steady with your wife. You love her but you throw a curtain in your relations. You don't show spontaneous intimacy. You think "How can you repeat the shameful act with the same person every night."

Ketu & Finance

You are not lucky in your financial affairs. You cannot concentrate on your business. You lose interest suddenly and neglect your business. You develop other interests postponing important business schedules.

Nameology of Ketu makes you delay vigorous activity. It allows peaks and troughs in your business progress. It prevents steady growth. However you are busy with some activity or another. You lack the time to enjoy.

A Point to Ponder

All these instructions in this numerology chart are applicable only to those with defective names. When I give a perfect name I take care to see that you are no longer affected by the evil effects of 3,8, and 9.

In such cases, you can easily avoid loss if you correct your current name scientifically as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. You must also correct your business name for that business to make profits.

Take Scientific Help

If you are not lucky with your present name, better change it. Use  our expert help, in the contact page. We design and give you the most Lucky Baby Names, Lucky Business Names, & Lucky Personal Names.

We correct your signature, prescribe Lucky NumbersLucky Days, and Lucky Gems.  We confirm their accuracy by numerology, horary astrology, and with the Lecher Antenna to Ensure your Success!

Basic Concepts

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