Marriage Numerology Predictions For A Person With Day No. 4

Is Your Day No. 4?

Marriage Numerology helps you to decide whom you should marry to make your married life successful.

Is your Day No. 4? How do you know? If you are born on dates like 4, 13, 22, or 31 your Day No. is 4.

Numerology For Marriage helps you to choose your lucky husband or wife and avoid any one unlucky.

Lakshmi Jeya Swaruoopa

Your Best Match

As per Name Numerology your most ideal partner should have No. 1 as his Day Number. As you have 4 as your Day Number you will have a natural affinity and affection for persons with Day Number 1.

You will love to please your husband or wife at any cost.  You will be instantly ready to do any sacrifice to please your spouse.  And you will enjoy doing it. In short you will have an ideal husband wife relationship.

Marriage Numerology
For 1 & 4 Persons

As seen in marriage numerology for No. 1 your partner with No. 1 will play the lead role in your life.  You will always be submissive to him and you will like it. You will do the same thing even if his Life Number is 4.

The beauty in name numerology is that 4 & 1 or 1 & 4 make the most ideal marriage partners. If you consider 1 as the Magnet, No. 4 constitues the iron filing that moves and attaches itself to the magnet.

The case of 4 & 8

Marriage Numerology declares that just as in the case of 4 & 1, you with Day No. 4, will like to love and marry a person with Day Number 8. Here you play the lead role.  The 8 person always obeys your commands.

Numerology number 8 makes it remain loving and submissive to persons born with 4 as day number or life number. Care, Love, Affection, and obedience will be the part played by an 8 person if you were born with 4.

No. 4 With Other Numbers

According to marriage numerology, only partners with 1 or 8 will be most suitable to you as a husband or wife. If you marry any other person born with any other numbers besides 1 and 8, your life will not be successful.

Numerology Number 8 is in general supposed to be unlucky.  But as you are born with No. 4 as day number or life number, the situation is  different. In fact the most successful lovers in the world have  1, 4 & 8.

Family Life For No. 4

If your are born with 4, marriage numerology says that you will have a very good family life. But you should get married on your lucky date and time. You will be blessed with many children who will add color to your life.

If you are a man born with 4, Name Numerology says that you will love spending a lot of money on many things. Therefore it will be better and wise for you to choose a girl from a rich family back ground as your wife.

The Complications

However you see conflicts in marriages of couples having these numbers with exceptional affinity. Marriage Numerology explains how and why. If the time of your marriage is unlucky, your marital life will be a failure.

Not only that. You may be born with 4. But you may have an evil name. Then the evil vibrations in your name will change your personality. Your partner with 1 or 8 will begin to hate you. He may even be afrakid of you.

The Power Of Names

Name Numerology reveals that it is true with persons of 1 and 8 as well. Though No. 1 is good, if with No. 1 you have an evil name, your personality becomes evil and you become unlucky and a terror to others.

Marriage Numerology says that if with No. 8 you have an evil name, you become unfit as a husband or wife. The power of names is irresistible. Unless you both have good names your marriage cannot be successful.

Save Your Marriage

Marriage Numerology declares that out of 1000 marriages, only 5 per cent are successful. Because even though your names are good and your numbers are good most people get married in their most unlucky times.

Name Numerology confirms that most marriages could have been saved if they had got married in their most lucky moments. But it is never too late. Even now you can save those marriages lined up for divorce.

How To Save A Marriage?
Marriage Numerology

Marriage Numerology tells you how to save your marriage. Correct your name first.  Then correct the defective names of your fiance or fiancee. If you are already married then correct both of your names.

Correcting Names alone is not enough. You have to perform a ritual called Marriage date Rectification.  It removes the defects of the unlucky moments of your wedding times. It is based on Astrology & Numerology.

Marriage-Numerology Predictions for Persons with Day No. 1

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Marriage-Numerology Predictions for Persons with Day No. 3

Marriage-Numerology Predictions for Persons with Day No. 4

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The Method

For you have to seek the help of an expert who is a real master in name numerology, astrology, bioenergetics, and Lecher Antenna Vibrational Measurements. He must be a master in horary astrology as well.

He will correct your names by removing the evil vibes. He will ask you to mentally dissolve your marriage. He will calculate a new auspicious date and time for you and ask you to get married at that lucky moment.

This technique works wonders. It is most scientific. It is based on Stellar Astrology. It has resolved problems in 1000s of married couples' lives.  Now they love each other and enjoy real happiness in their marriage.

Take Scientific Help

If you are not lucky with your present name, better change it. Use  our expert help, in the contact page. We design and give you the most Lucky Baby Names, Lucky Business Names, & Lucky Personal Names.

We correct your signature, prescribe Lucky NumbersLucky Days, and Lucky Gems.  We confirm their accuracy by numerology, horary astrology, and with the Lecher Antenna to Ensure your Success!

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