Gemology & Numerology For Rubies & Blue Sapphires

Kannan M

Avoid Defective Gems

As per Gemology & Numerology, you must avoid a defective Ruby or Blue Sapphire. Defective Gems harm you.

Just as in any class you have both good and bad, in these gems, some will be good. Some will be defective.

You must avoid the defective gems and wear the good ones. Then alone you will be enormously benefited.
Lakshmi Jeya Swaruoopa

Ruby For Sun

Our ancients had prescribed precious Rubies to Princes and Kings in the Sun Dynasty. In gemology, Rubies are associated with Sun from olden days. As per numerology, Sun rules Ruby and Ruby enhances His powers.

As per numerology, Ruby is good if your Day or Life No. is 1. As Number 1 favors 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9, if you have your number in this series, then also you will be benefited by Rubies, if Sun is not evil in your horoscope.

Pretty Expensive

Gemology reveals that good and pure Rubies are hard to get. If you get them, it shows that you are lucky. However, Rubies are pretty expensive. They add beauty to any ring or necklace. They increase your prestige.

As per numerology, ensure that your Ruby is flawless. As a qualified bioenergetician, I test Rubies. Whenever you are in doubt if the stone is good or bad, call me over phone with the Ruby in your left hand.

About Blue Sapphires

The same things apply for Blue Sapphires too. The difference is you should not choose a blue sapphire if you have 8 or Saturn in your day number, life number, or name number.

Saturn's color is blue and if you wear blue sapphire, you will encourage Saturn to do more evil to you.

If you want to benefit by any lucky gemstone please ensure that the gem you select is flawless and pure. Do not be carried away by the sales jargon used by the gemstone sellers to convince you.

Don't Allow Evil Wavelengths!

Subject the gemstone to Lecher Antenna Testing.

Make sure that the stone doe not resonate in evil wavelengths like 5.8, 5.9, 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6, and 7.7 Lambdas on the Lecher Scale.

Also make sure that your selected gemstone does not resonate in 1.35, 2.0, 8.6, 9.1, and 10 Lambdas on the Lecher Scale on the Lecher Antenna.

These are all evil wavelengths and if your gemstone resonates in any of these values, it means that your gemstone is highly unlucky and evil.

Test Before Purchase

I shall test it by remote with Lecher Antenna as per quantum physics and tell you if the gem is good. Experts in gemology advice you to confirm the purchase after keeping it on you in a sealed envelop for 45 days.

During these 45 days, if you get any lucky events or changes, judge that the Ruby is good. As per numerology, if you get any negative signs, you return it and take your money or exchange it for a trial with another Ruby.

Gems For Numbers 1 To 9

Know Your Lucky Gems For Numbers 1   2   3   4    5   6   7   8    9

All About Lucky Gems
In Gemology

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Rubies and Blue Sapphires
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We correct your signature, prescribe Lucky NumbersLucky Days, and Lucky Gems.  We confirm their accuracy by numerology, horary astrology, and with the Lecher Antenna to Ensure your Success!

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