Free Name And Numerology     What you Miss Out

Kannan M

Entices The Gullible

Free Name and Numerology simply fascinates most people. Any thing that is given free has an appeal.

This term is a ploy that entices the beginners in Numerology to develop more interest and pay for advice.

To design a name you need to know your numerology numbers like the Day, Life, and Name Numbers.

Examine All Aspects

You must then examine your name's birthdate numerology compatibility with Your Birthday Numbers, Words in your Name, Their Phonology, Phonemics, & Bioenergetics Vibrational Aspects if these are good or not!

Do your Numerology Calculation And Find Your
Day Number Life Number ,    Name Number And Compound Number!
Lakshmi Jeya Swaruoopa

Ignores Personal Factors

In offering free name and numerology, there are many aspects which are not thoroughly analyzed. You may want to change your name for multifarious reasons. May be for financial, love, or for health reasons.

After all, money alone does not bring happiness. You must have good health. If you suffer from chronic & incurable diseases like diabetes, you need to correct your name to achieve numerology health compatibility.

Cure Your Chronic Diseases By Lucky Name Numerology!

Loss in Business or Love

Free name and numerology services do not take into account any of your personal problems. If you suffer badly over a broken love affair, you need to correct your name to reinforce numerology love compatibility.

Your name should improve your areas of weakness. If you suffer business loss, you may have a wrong business name. Your partner's name may be defective. May be you signed a contract on a wrong date.

Numerology for Success In Business!

No Cross Check

In free name and numerology, cross check with horary astrology is not available. You must not follow any system of numerology, which does not have a method to cross check, if their remedies are really good for you.

Numerology is based on vibrations. Your numerology numbers vibrate. The ruling planets vibrate and your name also vibrates. These vibes must be compatible mutually and individually with vibes of your Name.

Know These Name Numbers & Avoid Diseases!

No Measurements

In free name & numerology no one measures the vibrations of your name. With out knowing how to measure these vibes how can they match a name to your personal bioenergetics vibration?

Your new name should harmoniously vibrate with your bioenergetics, your Day Number, Life Number, Name Number and with the component words in your name. You can not get this compatibility in free reports.

Name Numerology Compatibility Guarantees Your Success!

Same Medicine

Free name & numerology is like giving the same medicine to different people for different diseases. There is no diagnosis. Such medicines will not work. On the contrary, these will produce harmful side effects.

Likewise, if you fall for free name and numerology services, you may seriously damage your health, happiness, & fortunes. You may lose your numerology love compatibility and lose your numerology love match.

Significance Of Your Name Numbers
Nameology -The Science Of Designing Perfect Names!

Free Name And Numerology
The Hidden Dangers

Free name & numerology services do not offer any useful advice on graphology, use of lucky gems, choice of lucky colors, techniques of applying lucky numbers, & training your lucky days to work for you.

An incorrect alphabet or syllable in your Name generates evil vibrations to spoil your love, happiness, and your whole future. Therefore, it is better to engage the service of an expert even if it costs a small fee.

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Take Scientific Help

If you are not lucky with your present name, better change it. Use  our expert help, in the contact page. We design and give you the most Lucky Baby Names, Lucky Business Names, & Lucky Personal Names.

We correct your signature, prescribe Lucky NumbersLucky Days, and Lucky Gems.  We confirm their accuracy by numerology, horary astrology, and with the Lecher Antenna to Ensure your Success!

Basic Concepts

Name-Numerology For No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
contact Us For Your Lucky Names And Success
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Divinity of Number Seven
Love Life Mate Number Compatibility
Numerological Compatibility For Success- Who Will Help You?
Numerological Compatibility For Happy Married Life
Secrets of Number Seven
Power of Number 7
Know The Disciple Dr.J.Lakshmi Jeya Swaruoopa
Qualifications of the Founder and his Disciple
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